Is Mustard Oil really posing a risk to your health? Benefits and Side Effect of Mustard Oil.

Mustard oil is widely used in Asian cuisine; however, consumption of this oil is banned in countries like EU, USA, and Canada. Although mustard oil can be externally used in those countries, but cooking in this oil is forbidden.

Let’s find out then why Mustard oil is widely used as primary oil in Indian Cuisine. Let’s find out what are the advantages and disadvantages of cooking in Mustard oil.

Advantages of Mustard Oil

1. Rich in Monosaturated fatty acids

Mustard Oil contains monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These fatty acids helps to reduce the bad cholesterol in body and helps to prevent several factors for heart diseases and stroke.

2. Reduces Inflammation

Mustard oil is used traditionally in India to reduce inflammation. It contains allyl isothiocyanate which shows promise in cell studies, but human research is lacking. While research is mainly in cells and mice, studies suggest it may calm inflammation in conditions like psoriasis and colitis. Omega-3 fatty acids present in mustard oil might also contribute. However, topical use can be irritating. More research on human is needed to confirm its effectiveness and safety for inflammation relief.

3. Promotes Hair and Skin Health

Studies suggest mustard oil might help with dandruff due to its antifungal properties, but evidence. While mustard oil contains antioxidants, its potential for anti-aging or wrinkle reduction remains largely unproven. It can be moisturizing, but its strong scent and potential for irritation make it unsuitable for all skin types.for promoting hair growth is lacking. In fact, some studies suggest it could even weaken hair strands.

4. Massage oil

In countries like India and Bangladesh, the oil has been used for massage from ancient times. Often a concotion of Garlic and Mustard oil is used to provide relief for joint pains and aches. When massaged it has a warm effect on skin which promotes blood circulation, helps in relaxing muscles and pain. However skin of some people can be sensitive towards this oil. A small patch test needs to be done before using it on larger area.

5. Treat cold symptoms

Rubbing on oil on chest gives a warm effect, it provides sooting effect and temporary relief from coughing and congestion.

Disadvantages of Mustard Oil

1. High in Erucic acid

The main risk poses in the high level of erucic acid in the oil. If consumed in small quantity it is safe, however higher dosage can be dangerous. The main reason why it is banned in some contries like EU, USA, and Canada. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) circulated a warning regarding the mustard oil not being safe for cooking and consumption puposes.

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